Skyllis, Volume 15
Book 1 contains the conference contributions of In Poseidons Realm XX on the topic "Land under water" in Nuremberg 2015 and further articles.
Book 2 contains conference constributions of the international conference In Poseidon's Realm" XX and XXI in Nuremberg 2015 and Dresden 2016.
Book 1
Table od contents
Garry Momber/Sara Rich,
Postglacial human dispersal across the north-west European landscape
- Laura Sanna,
Submerged Landscapes in the Marine Cave of Bergeggi - Alexander Fantalkin/Oren Tal,
When the River Meets the Sea - A Neo-Assyrian Logistical Network in Operation - Marta Bajtler,
Underwater finds from Risan in Montenegro - First insight in finds of the Season 2011 - Marie-Pierre Jézégou/Patrick Andersch Goodfellow/Jonathan Letuppe/Corinne Sanchez,
Underwater Construction an Maintenance - A wreck from Late Antiquity used to repair a breach in the bank of the Narbonne harbor channel - Shelley Wachsmann,
"Rafts by the Sea to Jaffa" - The 2014 Ioppa Maritima Project - Massimo Capulli,
Archaeological Landscapes of the Venice Lagoon - The Case of San Francisco Island - Ana Crespo Solana,
Wood Resources, Shipbuilding and Social Environment - The historical context of the ForSEAdiscovery Project - Kaldo Trápaga Monchet/António Santos,
Forestry and timber supply in the royal forests of the Iberian Peninsula through the 16th century - Vesna Zmaic Kralj,
Craft products of Nuremberg from the Mijoka shipwreck - Vladimir Romanovich Chepelev,
Zwei Zaren-Boote auf den Ladoga-Kanälen - Nili Liphschitz,
Common Ash of hull construction timber for shipwrecks and ships in Central and East Mediterranean - Nili Liphschitz,
Oriental Beech as hull construction timber for shipwrecks and ships
Das Bücherbrett
Book 2
Table of contents
- Salvatore Agizza
The ancient submerge landscape of the Protected Marine Area of Santa Maria di Castellabate
- Giorgio De Guidi, Eugenio Nicotra, Philipe Tisseyre, Sebastiano Tusa
Flood Control at Lipari Harbour - Evidences of rapid late Holocene submergence of the eastern coast of Lipari Island (Italy)
- Michele Stefanile
Living by the sea, building in the sea - Underwater researches in Roman maritime villas on the Tyrrhenia coast of Italy: the villa of Gianola
- Francesca Oliveri
The Fortress under the lake - Roko Suric, Marina Simicic
Continued Investigation of the Great Osijek Bridge - Hans Wilhelm Daehnhardt, Hristomir Smilenov Hristov
Der Sturm der Seevölker und die Seeschlacht im Nil-Delta - Nili Liphschitz, Smiljan Gluscevic
The Zaton Boat 2 (Croatia) - A Dendroarchaeological Investigation - Wojcech Kulesza
Interdisciplinary research at the early medieval site of Zolte in Poland - Philipp Grassel
Late Hanseatic seafaring from Hamburg and Bremen to the North Atlantic Islands - With a marine archaeological excursus inthe Shetland Islands - Isabel Therese Nittel
A pole structure and a wooden shipwreck in the Baltic Sea - Two sites off the coast of Rostock, Germany - Roman Prokhorov, Igor Galayda, Andrey Lukoshkov
Excavation and conservation of the German ship ERZENGEL RAPHAEL - Deborah Cvikel
The Akko Tower Wreck (Israel) - A multidisciplinary research project based on underwater archaeology - Dimitrios Skarlatos, Eleni M. Savvidou
Coastal survey of archaeological sites using drones - Barbora Machova
Watercourse and water area archaeology - Options of underwater archaeology in different underwater environment in the Czech Republic